Assessment of hand hygiene of nursing and medical students


  • Vanessa Dias da Silva Faculdade Grande Fortaleza
  • Joselany Áfio Caetano Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza-CE
  • Leonardo Alexandrino da Silva Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Marta Maria Costa Freitas Hospital Universitário Walter Cantídio
  • Paulo César de Almeida Universidade Estadual do Ceará
  • Jorge Luís Nobre Rodrigues Hospital Universitário Walter Cantídio



Hand Disinfection, Infection Control, Students, Nursing, Medical.


Objective: to verify the ability of nursing and medical academics related to hand hygiene technique. Methods: this is a cross-sectional study carried out with 61 academics. Hands hygiene with 70.0% alcohol gel was used, in which Visirub® fluorescent dye was added, which allowed observing areas not contemplated during hand hygiene and investigation of the eight steps recommended by the World Health Organization. Results: 35.7% of nursing academics and 15.1% of medical students used the hand hygiene technique with 70.0% alcohol gel following the eight recommended steps. The least accomplished steps by the nursing academics were “rubbing the back of each hand with the back of the other”, as 46.4% did not perform it. Among medicine students, the least accomplished step was “rubbing the back of the fingers with the palm of the other hand”, by 63.6%. No scholar was able to contemplate all areas. Conclusion: no academic has been able to perform hand hygiene in all areas properly, hence the need to reinforce the correct technique.

Biografia do Autor

Joselany Áfio Caetano, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza-CE

docente do departamento de Enfermagem UFC




Como Citar

Silva, V. D. da, Caetano, J. Áfio, Silva, L. A. da, Freitas, M. M. C., Almeida, P. C. de, & Rodrigues, J. L. N. (2017). Assessment of hand hygiene of nursing and medical students. Rev Rene, 18(2), 257–263.



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