The Tradition Consumption’s and Inauthentic Fruition’s: culture and Market in parties and spetacles of the June season´s cycle in the northeast of Brazil


  • Elder Patrick Maia Alves


Festival Spectacles, Cultural Consumption, Popular Culture, Tradition, Brazilian Northeast


Through this article it is discussed the interfaces between the achievement of the festival spectacles occurred during the cycle of June parties in the Northeast of Brazil, as well as the practices of cultural consumption that those grand events bring. It explores the political and cultural uses and the economic agencements about the value of the tradition/authenticity attributed to popular culture of the country people from Northeast of Brazil. Those agencements occur more regularly during the achievement of June festivities, in which the festival spectacles play a decisive role, mainly in cities like Caruaru (PE) and Campina Grande (PB). Such events move two symbolic-economic coins: on one hand, they provide artistic and cultural contents that celebrate, narrate and sell the assets of the tradition, as the well known forró pé de serra; on the other hand, they invest in the main attractions of the pop-electronic forró, which is reputed as less authentic/traditional.

Author Biography

Elder Patrick Maia Alves

Graduado em ciências sociais pela Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), mestre e doutor em sociologia pela Universidade de Brasília (UnB), professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia do Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade Federal de Alagoas (ICS/UFAL).


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How to Cite

Patrick Maia Alves, E. (2017). The Tradition Consumption’s and Inauthentic Fruition’s: culture and Market in parties and spetacles of the June season´s cycle in the northeast of Brazil. Revista De Ciências Sociais (Social Sciences’ Journal), 48(1), 208–244. Retrieved from

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