For a Paradigm Shift: antiblackness and structural antagonism


  • João Costa Vargas Professor de Antropologia da Universidade do Texas.


Antiblackness, Black Diaspora, Social Death, Afterlife Of Slavery


By proposing the utilization of the blacknonblack analytical dyad instead of the canonical analytical dyad white-nonwhite, this article argues that the grammar of antiblackness and its asymmetrical field of ositionalities are normative, subliminal, utiquitous, transhitorical, and thus effectively immune to contestation. This grammar establishes black absence as self evident. The fact that black persons share andreproduce this antiblack symbolic universe exemplarily demonstrates this universe's naturalization and omnipresence. Blackness, even for black persons, is seen as humanity's antithesis in an antiblack world. Thus, a black consciousness that is not dependent on the grammar of antiblackness is possible only when antiblackness and the cognitive and social world that it structures are destroyed.


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How to Cite

Costa Vargas, J. (2017). For a Paradigm Shift: antiblackness and structural antagonism. Revista De Ciências Sociais (Social Sciences’ Journal), 48(2), 83–105. Retrieved from