“Sovereign Parenting” in Affluent Latin American Neighborhoods: race, and the geopolitics of childcare in Ipanema (Brazil) and El Condado (Puerto Rico)
Parenting, Sovereignty, Domestic Work, Brazil, Puerto RicoAbstract
In this ethnographic study with parents living in the affluent areas of Ipanema, Brazil, and El Condado, Puerto Rico, I examine how urban Latin American elites reformulate their understandings of race and classs in relationship to their parenting practices. In particular I consider how these upperclass parents interpreted their relationship with the poor, darkskin women hired to care for their children; those women were largely immigrants from the Dominican Republic, in El Condado, and migrants from the Brazilian Northeast, in Ipanema. I demonstrate how the genuinely positive feelings these elite parents harbored toward domestic workers, in fact, sustained power inequalities inherent in the parent-nanny relationship. I introduce the concept of “sovereign parenting,” as a unique characteristic of this parent-nanny relationship in Ipanema and El Condado.References
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