
  • Julia Miranda Universidade Federal do Ceará


The article works with partial results and it' s an introductory reflection on the theme, subject of a study that begun on the local elections of 1996. It starts from the assumption (the idea?) that it is possible today to identify in Brazilian society two different processes that are intimately connected and the attention is centralized on the identification of the elements that reveal those processes as well as on the issues they rouse. The first of them is represented by a transformation of the ways to believe and the second is represented by new dynamics of religious and political identifications. It has particular interest on the second process, with special emphasis on the parties politics - in which the phenomenon is more visible - as it understands that the political practices of Christian religious groups in Brazil are highly identified with that dimension only. The article is based on the elections of 2002.

Author Biography

Julia Miranda, Universidade Federal do Ceará

Professora titular da Universidade Federal do Ceará, coordenadora do Núcleo de Estudos de Religião, Cultura e Política (NERPO)do Programade Pós-Graduaçãoem Sociologia.


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How to Cite

Miranda, J. (2018). THE POLITICAL DIMENSION OF CONTEMPORARY CHRISTIANITY IN BRAZIL WHATTHE ELECTIONS SAY. Revista De Ciências Sociais (Social Sciences’ Journal), 34(2), 88–98. Retrieved from