Practicing ethnography by ”discovering Brazil” in the 1990s: reflective memory essay


  • Agnès Clerc-Renaud Université de Strasbourg


ethnography, anthropology, participative objectification, university studies, knowledge production.


The article focuses on the author’s encounter with the actors of the Social Science Course of the Federal University of Ceará, professors, and PhD students, mainly during the 1990s, placing them in the asymmetrical general context of academic interactions that prevailed when they occurred. Through a reflexive analysis, she tries to objectify the contributions of these meetings, which marked not only her training, but also her subsequent scientific practice. Starting from the memory of the ethnographic experience of his doctoral thesis, whose fieldwork was conducted in Ceará, many of the activities carried out by anthropologists in the process of knowledge production are also mentioned: the practice of participant observation, data development, and disclosure of results.

Author Biography

Agnès Clerc-Renaud, Université de Strasbourg

Maître de conférences de l’Institut d'ethnologie, Faculté des sciences sociales, Université de Strasbourg.


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How to Cite

Clerc-Renaud, A. (2019). Practicing ethnography by ”discovering Brazil” in the 1990s: reflective memory essay. Revista De Ciências Sociais (Social Sciences’ Journal), 50(1_Mar/Jun), 235–252. Retrieved from



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