Transnational LGBTI Activism Networks
world advocacies in pursuit of sexual and identity rights
Global civil society, LGBTI, Constructivism, Transnational Advocacy Networks (TAN)Abstract
What is the role of global civil society towards the rights of the LGBTI community? This article seeks to map the main global civil society organizations that focus on the rights of the LGBTI population and their actions in the face of the recognition of sexual and reproductive rights. With the objective of collecting data for the construction of this work, a brief bibliographical review of the literature that has as object the performance of the civil society in the global level, the constructivist theory of International Relations and the concepts of transnational advocacy networks, besides documentary research in the reports made available by three civil society organizations and their official pages. A qualitative and descriptive approach is undertaken, using the analytical-descriptive method technique. It can be concluded that the performance of LGBTI transnational advocacy networks has been articulated through discursive manipulation towards international institutions.
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