Mozambique and “a war that seems to have no end” in Terra Sonâmbula




Mozambique, Mia Couto, Civil War, Liberation Struggle, Memory


On 4 October 1992, the General Peace Agreement (GPA) was signed bringing to an end the armed conflict that plagued Mozambique for sixteen years. Even though this day is celebrated as the Day of Peace and Reconciliation, officially marking the end of the war between Frelimo and Renamo (1976-1992), it can also be seen, more broadly, as the end of an era of direct violence and armed conflict that had began with the National Liberation Struggle (1964-1974) against Portuguese colonialism. In his novel Terra Sonâmbula, Mia Couto intertwines two different stories, combining present and past, in order to uncover the destruction caused by “a war that seems to have no end”. We argue that this idea of ​​continuity of the war in Mozambique can be understood through three different ways: through the links between the colonial-liberation war and the civil war; through the individual memories of those people who experienced it directly or indirectly and, more broadly, through people’s collective memory; and, finally, through the endurance of colonial relations in contemporary Mozambican society. Drawing on writings of Mia Couto and the scholarship on Post-colonialism, Peace Studies and Memory Studies, this article examines the continuity of the war in the country and how this violent past still remains present through memory narratives.

Author Biographies

Isabella Alves Lamas, UNILAB - Campus dos Malês

Professora Adjunta de Relações Internacionais da Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira (Unilab) - Campus dos Malês  Doutora em Relações Internacionais no Centro de Estudos Sociais e na Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra

Natália Bueno, Centro de Estudos Sociais da Universidade de Coimbra

Natália Bueno é investigadora em pós-doutoramento no projecto "CROME – Memórias Cruzadas, Políticas do Silêncio: As Guerras Coloniais e de Libertação em Tempos Pós-Coloniais", doutorada em Relações Internacionais pela Universidade de Coimbra (CES/FEUC) e mestre em Política Comparada pela London School of Economics (LSE). Seus actuais interesses de investigação centram-se nos estudos da memória, das guerras coloniais e de libertação, e nos debates sobre justiça transicional e reconciliação em sociedades com passados violentos. Natália já teve seu trabalho publicado em periódicos internacionais, tais como Conflict, Security & Development entre outros meios. 


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How to Cite

Alves Lamas, I., & Bueno, N. . (2021). Mozambique and “a war that seems to have no end” in Terra Sonâmbula . Revista De Ciências Sociais (Social Sciences’ Journal), 52(1), 109–138.



Dossiê Memórias de Guerra