Online student movement against LGBTIPHOBIA:

discursive and educational practices in UBES´´´ digital media




Student Movement, LGBTIphobia, Education, Digital Media, Discourse Analysis


In this article, we analyze the construction of discursive and educational practices that oppose LGBTIphobia through the digital media of the student movement, understood as a space for the formation of educational and political-activist practices, linked, but not restricted to school. Therefore, from an interdisciplinary perspective and based on the theoretical-methodological framework of Discourse Analysis, we selected as a corpus of analysis two videos posted on Instagram social network of the Brazilian Union of High School Students (UBES). Our results point to the construction of knowledge and awareness of oppression against LGBTI bodies, allied to a perspective of knowledge linked to power relations, to collectivity and to an ethical duty with social emancipation.

Author Biographies

Gabriel Merlim Moraes Villela, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Gabriel Merlim Moraes Villela is a graduate student in Social Sciences (UFF) and graduated from high school/technician at Cefet/RJ, where he developed research in Discourse Analysis, focused on the production of videos on the internet by young LGBTI blacks. He has been dedicated to the fields of study of sociology, education and discourse analysis, focusing on gender and sexuality studies, online political participation, ethnic-racial relations and the media.

Maria Cristina Giorgi, Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Fonseca

PhD in Letters from the Fluminense Federal University (2012) and Master in Letters (2005) from the State University of Rio de Janeiro. She has a degree in Letters (Portuguese-Spanish Qualification) from the State University of Rio de Janeiro. With theoretical orientation in discourse analysis with an enunciative basis, she is interested in investigations on teacher education, and ethnic-racial issues, with a special focus on media and discourse. She is a professor at the Federal Center for Technological Education Celso Suckow da Fonseca - Cefet/RJ, where she has been working since 2005. She works in High School and Technical and Post-Graduate Programs in Ethnic-Racial Relations and Philosophy and Teaching, having coordinated the course lato sensu in Ethnic-Racial Relations and Education. She is the leader of the research groups Discursive practices in the production of social identities: Human factors, organizations, work, technology and society (Cefet / RJ) and Language practices, work and teacher training (UFF).


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How to Cite

Villela, G. M. M., & Giorgi, M. C. (2021). Online student movement against LGBTIPHOBIA:: discursive and educational practices in UBES´´´ digital media. Revista De Ciências Sociais (Social Sciences’ Journal), 52(3), 65–95.



Dossiê: Escola e LGBTfobia