Political Effects of Anti-Corruption Policies in Poland





Political competition, Corruption, Juridicization, Legitimacy, Anti-corruption policy, Poland


Based on the study of anti-corruption policies in post-communist Poland, the article analyzes their effects on the political field. The first part studies the genesis and the main forms of these policies. It shows how a relatively unified field of action progressively replaced a disparate and heterogeneous set of practices and discourses. The second part deals with the political uses of anti-corruption policy as a resource in political and electoral competi- tion. The third part explains how this resource has also come to constrain the political field to the point of transforming the rules of the political game, redefining political legitimacy, and intensifying the juridicization of political activities.

Author Biography

Jérôme Heurtaux, CEFRES, Prague

Diretor do Centro Francês de Pesquisas em Ciências Sociais (Praga)


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How to Cite

Heurtaux, J., Pilau, L. B., & Bento, J. S. (2022). Political Effects of Anti-Corruption Policies in Poland. Revista De Ciências Sociais (Social Sciences’ Journal), 53(2), 29–59. https://doi.org/10.36517/rcs.53.2.d02