Randall Collins and the sociological dynamics of the intellectual world

networks, interaction rituals, cultural capital and emotional energy





Randall Collins; intellectual networks; chains of ritualized interactions; emotional energy; cultural capital.


The contributions of this work to the field of human sciences orbit around the presentation of Randall Collins' contributions to understanding the intellectual world from an orientation that differs from those commonly used by history, philosophy and sociology for the study of this universe. Having as a starting point the presentation of the intellectual horizons used by this author, we indicate the main theoretical and methodological orientations of his approach anchored in symbolic interactionism and in the sociology of conflict. The results indicate that this author's contributions to the interpretation of the intellectual universe are perceived and translated from the centrality of the approach of intellectual networks, which operate their dynamics around the existence of disputes for centers of attention dynamized by cultural capital, chains of interactions ritualized and emotional energy.


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How to Cite

Barbosa, I. (2023). Randall Collins and the sociological dynamics of the intellectual world: networks, interaction rituals, cultural capital and emotional energy. Revista De Ciências Sociais (Social Sciences’ Journal), 54(1), 113–136. https://doi.org/10.36517/rcs.54.1.d06



Special Issue Intellectuals and their public