Instructions for Authors

To submit a manuscript for consideration by the journal, you must first register as an author on the portal. It is mandatory for authors to register in advance on the ORCID platform and provide, in their profiles on our portal, the number of their ORCID in order to collaborate with the best efforts to assign scientific authorship.

We request that when registering as an author on the portal all the required fields be filled in, in order to facilitate the provision of metadata regarding authorship, institutional affiliation and others in the means of scientific dissemination and evaluation.

Articles submitted to Revista de Ciências Sociais for publication must be unpublished and may not be submitted simultaneously to other journals or editorial bodies.

The Editorial Board reserves a period of up to 30 days for prior review of submitted manuscripts before sending them to the anonymous referees.

The identification of the authors is made through the electronic submission of the text on the Portal, filling in all fields, including those of co-authorship, so that the identification of authorship should not be made in the document of the text (article or review) to be attached. In the fields for filling in authors and co-authors there are spaces that must be filled in, such as authors' full names, institutional affiliation, curricular synopsis (data on academic background, institutional affiliation and main publication. Up to 150 words), postal address for correspondence and electronic address.

The texts may have up to 30 pages, including notes and bibliographical references. They must be sent by the author through this portal (click on Send Submission in the Right Column of the page), in Microsoft Word (or OpenOffice or RTF), font Times New Roman, body 12, including for titles and subtitles, and in space one and a half (1.5), with a starting paragraph margin of 1.25 cm and justified body. The text file should not contain any information that can identify the author(s), in order to facilitate the Blind Double Opinion procedures.

Reviews should follow the same basic formatting; have a maximum of 06 pages; and should deal with works published up to 05 years before. We do not accept book reviews with more than one author.

Articles that perform empirical tests should send the databases and/or scripts used as Supplementary Document together with the manuscript, or make it available online in some other way in order to allow replication by the evaluators.

The home page should indicate: article title in the original language; article title in English; abstract (up to ten lines), keywords (maximum 05). The text of the abstract must present the objectives, methods and conclusions of the article. If the article has the original language in English, the abstract and keywords should also be displayed in Spanish.

Written submissions by more than one author must comply with the criteria for co-authorship adopted by the journal and submit, as an attachment, a statement attesting to compliance in accordance with the following model.

Section titles should be highlighted by means of a space or line within the text, without using special formatting to highlight them.

Words in other languages, names of parties, companies etc. should be written in italics.

The (numbered) banknotes should be of the footnote type, appearing at the foot of the pages on which they are marked. The text of the banknotes should be in Times New Roman font, body 10 and justified body. Complete references should not be recorded in the notes, but in the References at the end of the text (see below).

The Bibliographical References should be listed in alphabetical order, following the ABNT norms and should appear at the end of the text. The author should make the citations compatible with the bibliographical references. According to the type of research or text, the References may also be of another type than just bibliographical (films, songs, etc.), and must be registered, also at the end of the text, following the ABNT rules for them.

Next, the rules of quotations:

Forms of citation

  1. Quotations not exceeding 3 lines should remain in the body of the text. Quotations longer than 3 lines should have a left margin indentation of 4cm, single spacing, without the use of quotation marks, justified and with font size 10.
  2. Bibliographical references within the text should follow the form (Author, year) or (Author, year, page) when the citation is literal (in this case, quotes are used): (BARBOSA, 1964) or (BARBOSA, 1963, pp. 35-36).
  3. When the immediately subsequent quotation refers to the same author and/or work, the author, year (and page if applicable) must be indicated again. Formulae (Idem, p. tal) or (Idem, ibidem) should not be used in brackets.
  4. If there is more than one title by the same author in the same year, you must differentiate by one letter after the date: (CORREIA, 1993a), (CORREIA, 1993b).
  5. If the author cited is part of the prayer, the bibliographical reference should be made as follows: Wolf (1959, p.33-37) states that...
  6. Quotes that are accompanied by comments and additional information should be placed as a note.

Format of bibliographical references

The Bibliographical References must contain all the cited works, obey the norms of ABNT NBR 6023 (2018), according to the following examples.

Only works really cited in the body of the text should appear in the References.

The Bibliographical References follow the alphabetical order by the author's last name. When there is more than one work by the same author, the order between them is through the increasing chronology of the dates of references. The author's name should appear only in the first entry, with the following being marked by six line spaces and period, as in the example:

BOURDIEU, Pierre. The Economy of Symbolic Exchange. 3 ed. São Paulo: Perspective, 1992.

______ . Education Writings. 13 ed. Petrópolis-RJ: Voices, 2012. Social Sciences of Education Collection.

The general rules of reference are as follows:

Book: last name in capitals, first name. Title of the work in bold: subtitle (if any). Edition (ignore when it is the 1st edition, from the second, list as "2 ed.", "3 ed.", "16 ed.", according to case). Place of publication: Publisher, year. Collection (if any).

GOFFMAN, Erwing. Stigma: notes on the manipulation of damaged identity. 4. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara, 1988.

Book of several authors: when up to three authors, they follow the same order of the work and separated by semicolons. When above 3 authors: surname in capitals, first name et al.


COSTA, M. Clélia L.; PEQUENO, Renato (eds.). Fortaleza: transformations in the urban order. Rio de Janeiro: Letra Capital/ Observatory of the Metropolises, 2015. Metropolis Collection: Territory, Social Cohesion and Democratic Governance, Comparative Studies Series.

SILVA, Afrânio et al. Sociologia em Movimento. Livro do Professor. 2 ed. São Paulo: Moderna, 2016.

Article/Chapter in a collection organized by another author: surname of the author of the article/chapter in capitals, first name. Title of the article: subtitle, In: (expression in italics indicating which book the work is in), following the complete reference of the collection. The citation rule is the same as in books, with the addition of the expression "(org.). (or the plural version "(orgs.).") after the name of the organizer. At the end of the quotation, after the year of the work, the number of pages of the article/chapter should be informed.

Example: MATOS, Olgaria. Wishes for evidence, wish for clairvoyance: Walter Benjamin, In: NOVAES, A. (org.). The Desire. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1990, pp. 157-287.

Article in periodical: author's last name in capitals, first name. Title of the article without highlight: subtitle (if any). Name of the journal in bold, place of publication, issue number (issue volume and/or year), 1st and last page number of the article, abbreviated month, followed by period and the year in which the issue was published.

Example: VILHENA, Luís Rodolfo. The regional intellectuals: The studies of folklore and the field of Social Sciences in the 50s. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais, São Paulo, n. 32, year 2, p.125-149, jun.1996.

Online works: author's last name (if any) in capital letters, followed by First Name. Title of the work (report, article) highlighted. Immediately after it will come the electronic address between the signs < >, preceded by the expression "Available in". After the electronic address (site) the expression "Access on" should appear: day of access, abbreviated month. Year.



BALZAC, Honoré. Thirty-year-old woman. Available at: <>. Accessed on: 20 Aug. 2009.

Periodical in electronic media. Names of journals can be abbreviated in the reference.

GUIMARÃES, Nadeja. For a sociology of unemployment. Rev. Bras. Ci. Soc. , São Paulo, v. 25, n. 74, Oct. 2010. Available at: <>. Access on: 11 mar. 2011.

Journal in electronic media without the author's name. When the article does not inform the author, we start with the title.

TSUNAMI in Japan. The People online, Fortaleza, 11 mar. 2011. Available at: <>. Access on: 11 mar. 2011.

Journal in electronic media with the author

BRÁS, Janaína. Fraternity: campaign discusses nature protection. The People online, 11 mar. 2011. Available at: <>. Access on: 11 Mar. 2011.

For more examples, as well as the rules for references other than bibliographic ones, please refer to ABNT NBR 6023 (2018) rules.