Desigualdade em tempos de pandemia

aprendizagens e desafios educativos da cidadania digital


  • Monica Fantin Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



Reflecting on the meaning of what happened and is happening because of the Covid-19 pandemic demands a contextualization of the circumstances of these strange times together with the more hopeful scenarios on the horizon. Though we are living in the "post-pandemic" time and the "new variants" of the virus have come to stay, it is crucial to recover the memories of physical distancing and lock-down, which oscillate from "a long time ago" and "it seems like yesterday." In the scope of school and training, it is vital to reflect on the answers given in the context of the medical emergency, which further highlighted the different facets of economic, social, cultural, and digital inequalities in our country. The lack of structure and access to equipment and quality connection, Remote Education and Online Education without the due teacher training, and the lack of time needed to learn pointed out scenarios of great difficulties. For many teachers, videoconferences were and still are a substitute for classes, experienced with the same modality as in-person teaching, expository. For others, the possibility of digital culture were and are considered a possibility to invent, create alternatives, experience innovative methodologies, and build other learnings. The article intends to discuss some of these issues

Author Biography

Monica Fantin, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Professora Associada do Departamento de Metodologia do Ensino e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação do Centro de Educação da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, UFSC. Líder do Grupo de Pesquisa Núcleo Infância Comunicação Cultura e Arte, NICA, UFSC/CNPq.  Possui diversas publicações no campo de estudos da infância, cultura lúdica, cinema, mídia-educação e formação de professores na cultura digital.



How to Cite

Fantin, M. (2023). Desigualdade em tempos de pandemia: aprendizagens e desafios educativos da cidadania digital. Passagens: Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Comunicação Da Universidade Federal Do Ceará, 14(especial), 8–30.