Delivery and birth indicators of seropositive women for the human immunodeficiency virus
Pregnancy, High-Risk; HIV; Pregnant Women; Indicators (Statistics); Health Status.Abstract
Objective: to evaluate delivery and birth indicators of seropositive parturient women for the human immunodeficiency virus. Methods: this is a documentary study held with 92 medical records of seropositive women for the human immunodeficiency virus, with analysis of sociodemographic, obstetric and neonatal variables. The chi-square test was used to verify association between predictor variables and outcome. Results: parturient women received prophylaxis perinatal (77.2%) and delivery (91.3%); 52.2% of them performed seven prenatal consultations. 8.7% of newborns were preterm, 18.5% were underweight, and 92.4% received antiretroviral prophylaxis in the first 24 hours of birth. Conclusion: Vulnerability and the highest risk of illness occur in young adults with low education and socioeconomic status. The coverage indicator of pregnant women needs to improve their indexes, since a little more than half of the women performed seven antenatal consultations, negatively impacting the evolution of pregnancy with a percentage of pregnancy prophylaxis below the desired.
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