Translation, adaptation, and validation of the Calidad de la relación con su persona cercana Scale
Validation Study; Prenatal Care; Family Relations; Interpersonal Relations; Primary Health Care.Abstract
Objective: to translate, culturally adapt, and validate the Calidad de la relación con su persona cercana Scale into Brazilian Portuguese. Methods: a methodological study, whose steps were: initial translation; translation synthesis; back-translation; pre-final version development by a panel of nine experts; pre-final version content validity, with 14 judges; pre-test with 30 pregnant women; reliability analysis; sending the translated version to the two authors of the original instrument. Results: outliers were reviewed and adjusted during translation and adaptation. The scale achieved conceptual and idiomatic equivalence. Content validity index was 0.92 and Cronbach’s Alpha was 0.869. The general score in the application ranged from 59 to 124, with an average of 94.4. Conclusion: after translation and adaptation, the scale was entitled Qualidade da Relação com a Pessoa Próxima, achieving semantic and idiomatic equivalence.
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