Moral sensitivity in the practice of Family Health Strategy professionals




Ethics; Morale; Professional Practice; Family Health Strategy; Patient Care Team.


Objective: to understand the development of moral sensitivity in the practice of Family Health Strategy professionals. Methods: a unique case study, of qualitative approach, conducted with thirty-five professionals from the family health teams. Data collection occurred through interviews guided by semi-structured script and observation. The data was analyzed through Thematic Content Analysis. Results: the analysis revealed that factors related to work organization, interpersonal relationships and personal values influence the development of the moral sensitivity of professionals in family health teams. Conclusion: the development of the moral sensitivity of Family Health Strategy professionals is influenced by enabling and hindering factors that present themselves in daily work.


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How to Cite

Ferraz, C. M. L. C., Vilela, G. de S., Moreira, D. de A., & Brito, M. J. M. (2021). Moral sensitivity in the practice of Family Health Strategy professionals. Rev Rene, 22, e60281.



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