Conditions for submission

As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify compliance of the submission with respect to all items listed below. Submissions that do not agree to the standards will be returned to the authors.

1. The authors did not exceed the limit of two article submissions per year.

2. Authors do not have another article in the editorial process in this journal at the time of submission.

3. The contribution is original and unpublished and is not being evaluated for publication by any other journal.

4. The authors inform, in a comment to the editor, if the article was published in an event, national or foreign, and – when applicable – if it was awarded.

5. To guarantee the state of the art, the authors, in their theoretical framework, prioritized references of up to 5 years, extracted from scientific journals - nationals and internationals - recognized by CAPES Qualis or with a JCR or ISI impact index.

6. The identification of authorship of the work was removed from the document using the Properties option in Word, thus guaranteeing the journal's secrecy criterion, in the peer review. See technical support instructions for Office: Find and remove hidden data and personal information with the Document inspector.

7. The maximum limit of five (5) authors per article is respected.

8. At the time of submission, all authors guarantee that they are registered as users of the journal's electronic platform and that they have completely filled in their institutional identification data:

   - ORCID (in the 'ORCID iD' field, preceded by 'http: //' and not 'https:');

   - summary of the biography, with last formation/title;                                                       

   - current institution / affiliation.

9. If the article is approved for publication, the authors with doctoral degrees undertake to integrate the database of scientific reviewers to, when requested, review new articles submitted to the journal.

10. The authors agree to provide and pay for the mandatory professional translation into English of the final version of the accepted articles, with a declaration attesting to the quality of the translation, if they have been submitted in Portuguese or Spanish.

11. The submitted articles are the sole responsibility of the author (s). The Rights, including translation rights, are reserved. It is allowed to quote part of articles published without prior authorization, as long as the source is identified.

12. The authors are aware and agree with the following good practices:

   - The journal will verify plagiarism and self-plagiarism with the licensed use of applications with Internet access, capable of recognizing the degree of similarity between the submitted article and works already published;

   - All authors contributed significantly to the research;

   - All authors agree to provide retractions and error corrections;

   - The authors provided the names of the institutions that provide financial support for the research;

   - Authors have not published the same research completely or partially in another journal.

13. In the case of more than one author for the same article, the author responsible for the submission guarantees that:

   - Thoroughly verified the correctness of the metadata of the other authors;

   - Will pass all the present conditions to the other authors, in a timely manner.