

“I had two great publishing experiences with Contextus Journal. The entire editorial process - feedback on evaluations, reviews and publication were quick and respectful. I have great appreciation for the journal.” Aline Mendonça Fraga (Professor of Administration - FASEG)


“My experience submitting and publishing an article with Contextus was very positive. The feedback from the first stages of evaluation was fast and we received full support in the stages following approval. Published in the second half of 2019, the article has already been viewed 1,454 times on SPELL in the second half of 2021. This is yet another indication of the journal's reputation for researchers in the field of Administration." Catia Eli Gemelli (Professor of Administration at IFRS - Osório Campus)


“In our article, Contextus Journal followed all the formal and scientific procedures in a timely manner, as stipulated by the editorial team. From my experience with submissions, the author does not always receive due attention and due process, which was correctly adopted by Contextus Journal. After 10 years of submitting scientific articles, I have witnessed several nonconformities in other journals, such as: Failure to comply with evaluation and review deadlines, inconsistency in evaluations, rejection of articles by editors for ideological reasons or prejudice against the author's title and/or affiliation, threats of rejection of articles even after an email approving the article. I recommend that Contextus Journal remain impartial, adopting as its judgment criteria the scientificity of its articles and the opinion of its evaluators, who also need to be evaluated in their judgment criteria." Derli Angnes (Master in Administration from the University of Santa Cruz do Sul - UNISC)


“I have always had a positive impression of Contextus Journal as a quality journal. My impressions became even better when I finally submitted a research paper for evaluation. I noticed the great attention given by the editorial team and evaluators in all stages of the process, from the receipt of the article to its effective publication after several rounds of adjustments and improvements. The result could not have been better. Today, the article represents a reference sought after and used by other researchers in the area, largely due to the joint work between the authors and the Contextus Journal team.” Lucas dos Santos Matos (Accountant - Planning Coordination - DGE/SEPLAN)


“Last year I had the opportunity to publish an article in the journal entitled 'Visual merchandising: A bibliometric analysis and proposal for future research'. It was an excellent opportunity to learn more about the journal and to be amazed by the editorial flow. The platform and deadlines encourage researchers to consider the journal for new submissions.” Ricardo Limongi (Professor of Marketing Analytics, Federal University of Goiás)


“In the publications of articles in which I am an author, I received excellent suggestions from reviewers, which contributed significantly to the quality of the published study. In addition, as a professor of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Administration and Psychology courses, I constantly use and recommend Contextus publications to students. The published studies are relevant and present very relevant theoretical and empirical contributions to the advancement of knowledge.” Sayonara de Fátima Teston (Professor of the Master's Degree in Administration - Unoesc)


“The Contextus Journal demonstrated its commitment to the veracity and dissemination of information, providing a process of publishing the article with reliability and clarity from the initial instructions to confirmation of acceptance of the work. In general, the submission process was agile and assertive regarding the transfer of contributions. We are honored to have our article published in the Contextus Journal!” Sirlene Koprowski (Master's Degree in Accounting and Administration - Unochapecó/SC)


“I am Leonardo, a PhD student in Administration at PROPG-UFPE. Suzane Correia and I published an article in the journal under the title 'Collective capabilities in social innovations in light of the 5C cycles with analysis of the Paraíba network of community banks' and we counted on the fast editing process and also on the availability of the editor and good reviews. So we will consider this vehicle for future publications.” Leonardo Batista (PhD student in Administration at PROPG-UFPE)


“The Contextus Journal has a fast review and editing process. On the other hand, as a reader, I see that the journal values ​​high-quality and original publications.” Victor R. Isaac (Professor at Centro Universitário SENAC- Campos do Jordão)


"As an author, I feel valued, because Contextus always responds quickly to submitted articles and the deadlines for any corrections are completely achievable. As a reader, I always look for and find quality work in my research area at Contextus." Vinicius Caldas (Professor at the Department of Administration - Federal University of Sergipe)


“We had received good references from colleagues about Contextus - Revista Contemporânea de Economia e Gestão, from the Federal University of Ceará, when we thought about submitting our academic work. This was confirmed: submission received quickly; evaluation by specialized professionals with dense and valuable content, in a constructive manner; adjustments quickly accepted, following the criteria recommended by the evaluators and editor; publication promptly released and well publicized on websites and social networks. The professionalism of the editors left us positively impressed, as well as the time it took us from submission to publication. Congratulations!” Vinicius Farias Moreira (Professor in the Administration Course at UAAC/CH/UFCG)



"As an Evaluator for the Contextus Journal, I feel grateful to be part of an academic channel with significant national and international presence, which makes me proud and gives me a sense of belonging to an institution of vital importance in Education. I am grateful for the opportunity to work for the journal and I hope that we can always continue this partnership in favor of the development of the generation of new knowledge." Ericê Correia (Professor of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies at Faculdade Paula Frassinetti - FAFIRE)


"I have been an article evaluator for the Contextus journal since 2018, and during this time I have continually learned from the articles assigned to me to evaluate. I feel respected by the entire editorial team and I wish the journal a long life, responsible for publishing relevant texts for the advancement of knowledge in the field of administration." Francisco Mirialdo Chaves Trigueiro (Professor of the Department of Administration of the Federal University of Mato Grosso)


"Several studies of scientific production have been published by Contextus Magazine in recent years, and many have been accessed. All of this confirms the seriousness and efficiency of this journal. I learned a lot from the evaluations of the articles. Congratulations on everyone's effort." José Ultemar da Silva (Post-Doctorate in Administration)

"The Contextus journal has surpassed its temporal maturity, which is merely statistical. In fact, since its launch, it has built a successful trajectory in the plurality with which it selects its content and in the seriousness with which this content is evaluated, reviewed and edited. It is a growing reference in the sciences that revolve around the issues of organizational management. Naturally, a prominent institution (FEAAC/UFC) is responsible for this history of success and relevance. The knowledge disseminated inspires both academics and managers, in their research and practices, respectively. As a reader and, more recently, as an evaluator of Contextus, I wish a long and excellent life to this beloved journal." Sérgio A. P. Bastos (PhD in Business Administration from PUC-Rio and Associate Professor at FUCAPE Business School)


"Contextus Journal is a channel for disseminating scientific research results that encourages authors in a process of continuous improvement and constant evolution as knowledge intellectuals. It is always a learning experience to interact with this wonderful editorial team." Simone Sehnem (PhD in Administration and Tourism - UNIVALI)


“My experience with Contextus Magazine exceeded all my expectations! The journal's main characteristics are efficiency and the technical quality of its reviews. Working with Contextus is a great pleasure. The service is fast, efficient and straight to the point. The article is published in a short time and the relationship is always courteous and diligent." Valéria Brito (Associate Professor at the Federal University of Lavras)


"I have had the pleasure of being a partner of Contextus Magazine since the beginning of 2020, as an author and reviewer of articles. It is a journal that strives for the quality of its publications, making a valuable contribution to the advancement of theory. I hope to continue this very special partnership." Vinicius Caldas (Professor at the Department of Administration - Federal University of Sergipe)



“Since 2020, I have had the privilege of being an active part, as an associate editor, of the work developed by the Contemporary Journal of Economics and Management - Contextus. In addition to the practical knowledge acquired over this period of time, I would like to highlight how rewarding it has been to work with the editorial team at Contextus. The seriousness and professionalism dedicated to the continuous improvement of the journal demonstrates the commitment of the entire editorial team to the academic community and to excellent research. Contextus has admirably contributed to increasing the visibility of science in the business area, in a country where we see scientific research being overlooked in favor of other projects considered crucial and urgent. I am certain that Contextus will continue to develop, bringing rich academic contributions in an invaluable exchange of work and ideas. As an associate editor, it is a great honor to make research visible.” Adriana Rodrigues Silva (PhD in Accounting, Professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Santarém)


“Being part of the editorial team of Contextus is a source of great pride, because, with a close eye on authors and quality research, we are able to contribute to the development of administrative science in its different forms. In this sense, we see a continuous effort on the part of those involved towards fulfilling our mission as a journal, that is, interacting with different audiences and institutions in the areas of knowledge of Economics, Administration, Accounting Sciences and related areas. Furthermore, I am particularly pleased to see a genuinely Ceará scientific journal achieving significant results and, consequently, being the result of such dedication and synergy on the part of authors, reviewers, editors and administrative staff.” Allysson Allex Araújo (Professor of Information Systems - Universidade Federal do Ceará / Campus Crateús)


"As an author, I had a great experience with Contextus Magazine, having my article evaluated and published with transparency and speed. Some time later, I had the opportunity to become an associate editor and I was able to understand from the inside the reason for the magazine's growth. Throughout my career, the journal's concern with good communication, the quality of publications and the efficiency of the editorial process has always been evident. I am happy to be able to contribute to Contextus Magazine and, consequently, to the development of knowledge in our area." Brunno Gaião (PhD in Administration and Adjunct Professor in the Department of Administration and Economics at Universidade Estadual da Paraíba).


"Since my student life, in my master's degree, I have considered Contextus Magazine as a great reference for my research work. Today, as an associate editor, I have had great experiences, with a very high-quality work received and I would like to highlight one of these positive experiences that I have had with the magazine, which is the speed of its editorial flow. From submission to editorial decision, the process took a little over thirty days, for this and other reasons, I would like to invite you to read the articles published in the Journal and submit your work to the Contextus Journal." Rafael Fernandes (Professor of Administration at the Instituto Federal do Piauí - IFPI)