Ethics and good editorial practices

Contextus follows the Good Practices of ANPAD's Scientific Publication:

Contextus is in agreement and signs the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA):



This code of ethics for Authors, Reviewers, and Editors of Contextus is designed to promote a culture of ethical, transparent, and quality-focused research, in accordance with the guidelines and principles of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics), DORA (Declaration on Research Assessment), ANPAD Manual (National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Administration), DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), and CSE (Council of Science Editors) of ABEC (Brazilian Association of Scientific Editors). Authors, reviewers and editors must adhere to these principles to uphold the highest ethical standards in research and publication.

I - For Authors

  1. Integrity and Originality of Research:
    • Authors must conduct research with integrity, avoiding plagiarism, data falsification, result fabrication, and any form of research misconduct.
  2. Respect for Research Ethics:
    • Authors must adhere to all ethical norms and regulations relevant to their research area, including guidelines for research involving humans and animals.
  3. Transparency and Openness:
    • Authors must report research methods clearly and comprehensively, enabling others to replicate the study when applicable.
    • Authors must share raw data and experimental materials when appropriate and publicly disclose negative results.
  4. Authorship and Co-authorship:
    • Authorship must be accurately attributed, including all individuals who made substantial contributions to the work.
    • The inclusion of co-authors must be based on actual contributions to the research.
    • All authors must review and agree to the final version of the work before its submission.
  5. Citation and References:
    • Authors must properly cite sources used in their work and acknowledge relevant previous works.
    • Authors must provide accurate references for all information used.
  6. Conflicts of Interest:
    • Authors must disclose all financial, personal, or institutional conflicts of interest that may influence the research or interpretation of results.
  7. Submission and Manuscript Review:
    • Authors must submit manuscripts to only one journal at a time and not submit the same work to multiple journals simultaneously.
    • It is the authors' responsibility to provide accurate and complete information to the editor during submission.
  8. Respect for the Editorial Process:
    • Authors must collaborate constructively with reviewers and editors, responding promptly to requests for information or revisions.
  9. Rectification of Errors:
    • Authors must promptly report any significant errors or inaccuracies in their published works and cooperate with appropriate corrections.

II - For Reviewers

  1. Confidentiality and Impartiality:
    • Reviewers must treat manuscripts received for review as confidential documents and not share information about them or use any information for personal benefit.
    • Reviewers must conduct reviews objectively, fairly, and impartially, based on the quality and academic merit of the manuscript, regardless of the authors' origin.
  2. Transparency and Conflicts of Interest:
    • Reviewers must promptly declare any conflicts of interest that may affect their ability to review the manuscript impartially.
    • Reviewers must refuse to review manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest.
  3. Quality and Originality:
    • Reviewers must assess the quality, originality, and relevance of the manuscript, providing constructive and critical feedback to the authors.
  4. Respect for the Editorial Process:
    • Reviewers must respect the editorial policies of the journal and provide timely and high-quality reviews.
    • They must communicate transparently and respectfully with the editorial team and authors, explaining their recommendations clearly.
  5. Research Ethics:
    • Reviewers must report any suspicion of plagiarism, falsification, data fabrication, or other forms of research misconduct to the editor.
  6. Commitment to Improvement:
    • Reviewers must provide constructive feedback that helps authors improve their work. They must be critical but also constructive in their reviews.
  7. Post-publication Transparency:
    • If reviewers detect significant errors or ethical issues in a published manuscript, they must inform the editor so that appropriate corrective measures can be taken.

III - For Editors

  1. Editorial Integrity:
    • Editors must promote editorial integrity and adhere to the best ethical practices in publishing research.
  2. Quality-based Evaluation:
    • Editorial decisions must be based on the quality, academic merit, originality, and relevance of manuscripts, rather than solely focusing on impact metrics.
  3. Transparency and Communication:
    • The editorial team must provide constructive and transparent feedback to authors, explaining editorial decisions clearly and respectfully.
    • The editorial team must ensure that all editorial procedures are transparent and well-documented, including manuscript selection criteria.
  4. Conflicts of Interest:
    • Editors must declare and manage personal or institutional conflicts of interest that may influence their editorial decisions.
  5. Privacy and Personal Data:
    • The editorial team must ensure the privacy and confidentiality of authors' and reviewers' personal information, following all privacy regulations.
  6. Post-publication Responsibility:
    • If significant errors or ethical issues are identified in published manuscripts, the editorial team must take appropriate measures, such as retraction or correction, according to appropriate guidelines.
  7. Respect for the Editorial Process and Deadlines:
    • Editors must respect the journal's editorial process, meet deadlines, and treat authors and reviewers with respect and courtesy.
  8. Transparency in Reviewer Selection:
    • Editors must select qualified reviewers based on their expertise and impartiality and avoid any bias in selection.
  9. Research Ethics:
    • The editorial team must be vigilant about plagiarism, research misconduct, and publication ethics issues, taking appropriate action in case of suspicions or allegations.