
  • Ismael Pordeus Jr Universidade Federal do Ceará


This essay evaluates the cultural change process of Umbanda as it is found among indigenous groups that claim their ethnic recognization in the State of Ceara. This phenomenon is observed among the Pitaguaris, in the outskirts of Fortaleza, and the Tremembes, who live in the county of Itarema, the latter being the first group to be recognized by FUNAI. The Tore dance, which was claimed, at a certain time, by some, as a "thing 01old Indians", became an indicator of Indian identity. When members of the Pitaguaris and Tremembes joined the Umbanda religious practices, this process was consolidated as diacritical mark to the reconstruction of the Indians' ethnic identity, and found in it a road to differentiate from Catholicism, that is, they found a third space where cultural symbols can be reinterpreted and set apart for a particular purpose, a purpose of their own.

Author Biography

Ismael Pordeus Jr, Universidade Federal do Ceará

Professor Titular - Universidade Federal do Ceará


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How to Cite

Pordeus Jr, I. (2018). THE CULTURAL CHANGE PROCESS OF UMBANDA IN THE STATE OF CEARA. Revista De Ciências Sociais (Social Sciences’ Journal), 34(2), 79–87. Retrieved from