The writing of women as a space for the elaboration of collective traumas

an analysis of the works Baratas by Scholastique Mukasonga and Meio sol amarelo by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie




War, Genocide, Repetition, Writing, Elaboration


The present article describes itself to analyze the literary writing of the works Meio Sol Amarelo (2008) in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and Baratas (2018) in Scholastique Mukasonga, whereas the works provide the necessary therapeutic space so that the traumas from wars and genocides in their countries can be elaborated. Thus, the writing of the authors, in addition to rescuing the lost history of Rwanda and Nigeria allow the necessary elaboration so that the societies that were built in a system based on violence can overcome the repetition of violent acts, as Sigmund Freud points out in his work Repetir, recordar, elaborar (1914/1911-1913). In addition, we consider that the authors' writing portrays the voices of those who were doubly silenced, with regard to the silence imposed on their gender and ethnicity, which gives the works a double power and meaning.

Author Biography

Junia Saraiva Saraiva, PUC MG

Doutoranda em Literatura pelo Programa de Pós-graduação em Letras da PUC-MG. Possui mestrado em Literatura e graduação em Psicologia pela mesma instituição. Pesquisa sobre os temas de Literatura e Psicanálise desde a graduação no qual possui trabalhos publicados na área. Atualmente dedica-se em articular a Psicanálise com as Literaturas africanas de Língua Portuguesa


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How to Cite

Saraiva, J. S. (2021). The writing of women as a space for the elaboration of collective traumas: an analysis of the works Baratas by Scholastique Mukasonga and Meio sol amarelo by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. Revista De Ciências Sociais (Social Sciences’ Journal), 52(1), 179–201.



Dossiê Memórias de Guerra