Information For Authors

With annual editions and articles published in continuous flow from 2020, Contextus – Contemporary Journal of Economics and Management, linked to the Faculty of Economics, Administration, Actuarial and Accounting of the Federal University of Ceará (FEAAC/UFC), publishes unpublished scientific articles in Administration, Economics, Accounting and related areas, preferably by authors linked to other institutions.

Each author can submit up to two articles per year, regardless of their position in authorship (author or co-author).



(1) Templates

Articles can be submitted, at no cost, in Portuguese, English or Spanish. They must use our templates below and be forwarded to the editors in accordance with our standards. If submitted articles do not use our templates or strictly follow the journal's formatting standards, they will be archived.

  • Download mandatory template for articles written in Portuguese;
  • Download mandatory template for articles written in English;
  • Download mandatory template for articles written in Spanish.

ATTENTION: Starting from 2020, the authors of articles accepted for publication must provide a translation into English, accompanied by a quality certificate of the final version of the articles, in case they have been submitted in Portuguese or Spanish. All articles will be published in both languages (original and English), except for articles submitted in English, which will be published only in this language.

Following is an explanation of the formal standards used in the models. A file from the Microsoft Word program for Windows will be used, in .docx format.


(2) Text

  • Title: in the first line of the first page, with up to 140 characters, in size 15 (Portuguese), followed by titles in English and Spanish, these in size 12 and in italic format;
  • Abstract, resumo and resumen: below the titles, in Portuguese, in English and in Spanish, each with a maximum of 300 words, justified alignment, containing background; purpose; method; results; and conclusions (structured model);
  • Palavras-chave, keywords, palabras clave: a total of five (5), right below each abstract, aligned to the left; and
  • Size: articles between 10 to 20 pages are recommended, including illustrations and references.

(3) Quotes

They will follow the author-date system of the norms of the American Psychological Association (APA, 2020). They must be made in the body of the text, without the use of footnotes, indicating the surname, year and, when relevant, the publication page.

(4) References

They will follow the author-date system of the norms of the American Psychological Association (APA, 2020), using the style presented in the templates. They must have justified alignment and simple spacing between lines, being presented in alphabetical order at the end of the text. When the listed publication has a DOI identifier, it must be informed, as indicated in the template. In addition, the authors' first names will always be replaced by their initial letters.

(5) Charts, tables, figures and graphs

They will follow the norms of the American Psychological Association (APA, 2020). Are mandatory features:

  • only the nomenclatures of tables or figures should be used, being considered as figures: illustrations, graphs, photographs, maps and organization charts.
  • tables must not have internal or external vertical borders, with identification at the top containing the word Table in bold, followed by its order number in the text, in Indo-Arabic numerals, with the respective title being presented below, without bold;
  • figures must have an identification at the bottom, containing the word Figure in bold, followed by their order number in the text, in Indo-Arabic numerals, period, and the respective title on the same line, without bold;
  • indication of the source in tables and fugures must be at the bottom, even if it is by the authors themselves (use the expression "own elaboration" in these cases).
  • captions, notes and other information necessary for understanding (if any) must also be inserted at the bottom.