Special Call - Technological Articles



v. 23, Special Issue, 2025.



Allysson Allex Araújo (Federal University of Cariri - UFCA)

Diego de Queiroz Machado (Federal University of Ceará (UFC)


Introduction and Objectives:

According to Motta (2017), technological articles are productions with a professional emphasis, the aim of which is to present solutions to a problem. Therefore, a technological article is a scientific article and there is no greater or lesser value between it and the traditional model (Martens, Pedron & Oliveira, 2021). The specificity of the technological article is its emphasis on making a practical contribution, in the case of administration, mainly to managers and entrepreneurs.

As discussed by Motta (2022), a technological article is a specific type of technological publication, i.e. a way of disseminating a specific result of the technological production process. Technological articles therefore make contributions to the practical professional context. Martens, Pedron and Oliveira (2021) state that what is expected of a technological article is that it is capable of introducing new elements into the context of existing problems, providing and/or applying solutions. In short, a good technological article must have some specific characteristics, among which Motta (2022) highlights the main ones: use orientation; focus on problem-solving; and novelty.

In addition, the growing intersection between technology and management has generated a diverse range of research and innovations (Ullah & Lai, 2013; Calderon-Monge & Ribeiro-Soriano, 2024). The digital transformation in organizations, for example, drives the search for technological solutions that add value to business processes and management (Zaoui & Souissi, 2020). In this dynamic context, Contextus Journal is launching this Special Call for Technological Articles, with the aim of gathering and disseminating cutting-edge research that explores the application, impacts and trends of technology in the field of Administration and related areas.

This call aims to broaden the academic and practical dialog on topics such as digital transformation, technological innovation, IT governance, artificial intelligence, data analytics, process automation, information security, among other relevant topics for modern management. It also seeks to understand how emerging technologies are shaping business strategies, decision- making, operational efficiency and the customer experience. Therefore, this call for papers advances existing discussions and invites the Brazilian academic community in management and related areas to submit their technological articles.


Major topics of interest and modalities:

The following list illustrates, but does not limit, some of the research possibilities for this call:

  • Impact of Digital Transformation on Business
  • Technological Innovations in Human Resources
  • Applications of Emerging Technologies in Traditional
  • Strategies for Implementing Artificial Intelligence in
  • Cybersecurity and Data Protection in Digital
  • Big Data Analysis and Strategic Decision
  • Using Digital Platforms to Interact with
  • Process Automation and Improving Operational
  • Digital Marketing Strategies and Consumer
  • Sustainability and Green Technologies in Business
  • Application Development and User
  • Innovation Management and Fostering Organizational
  • Adoption of Blockchain Technologies in Business
  • International Expansion Strategies for Digital
  • Virtual and Augmented Reality Applications in Corporate
  • Predictive Analysis and Forecasting Market
  • Use of Chatbots and Artificial Intelligence in Customer
  • Data Governance and Regulatory
  • Robotics and Automation in Industry and
  • Change Management Strategies in Technological


Submission and evaluation criteria:

Before submitting your technological article to Contextus, we suggest that you evaluate your work based on the following points (based on Martens, Pedron & Oliveira, 2021), ensuring a greater chance of acceptance and publication:

  1. The article explores the problem situation to be solved or the opportunity for improvement to be developed.
  2. The article makes use of impact and recent literature (from the last 5 years) to understand the subject of study, and to provide a theoretical basis for potential solutions and the proposed intervention.
  3. The article uses the scientific method to develop the procedures that lead to the solution of the problem.
  4. The article clearly reports the type of intervention and the mechanisms adopted, the techniques used to collect and analyze the data, as well as detailing the procedures carried out throughout the research.
  5. The article presents some novelty in the results, i.e. that the results are characterized as extrapolation, improvement or innovation.
  6. The article clarifies the contributions to professional practice and to the field of knowledge, as well as the relevance of the results to other similar cases.
  7. The text of the article follows the standards and format required by Contextus (link to the template in English, Portuguese and Spanish).

To check all the other submission conditions, access our website page: http://periodicos.ufc.br/contextus/about/submissions



Submissions must be made through the system, in accordance with all the journal's rules, in the "Technological Articles".


Relevant dates:

Submission: until March 31, 2025

Evaluation period: until July 2025

Expected publication date: December 2025


References and further reading:

Calderon-Monge, E., & Ribeiro-Soriano, D. (2024). The role of digitalization in business and management: a systematic literature review. Review of Managerial Science, 18(2), 449-491.

Motta, G. S. (2017). How to write a good technology article? Revista de Administração Contemporânea, 21(5), 4-8.

Motta, G. S. (2022). What is a Technological Article? Revista de Administração Contemporânea, 26, e220208.

Martens, C. D. P., Pedron, C. D., & Oliveira, J. C. (2021). Guidelines for writing technological articles, applied articles or technical production reports with a professional emphasis. Revista Inovação, Projetos e Tecnologias, 9(2), 143-147.

Ullah, A., & Lai, R. (2013). A systematic review of business and information technology alignment. ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems (TMIS), 4(1), 1-30.

Zaoui, F., & Souissi, N. (2020). Roadmap for digital transformation: A literature review. Procedia Computer Science, 175, 621-628.