Evaluation of the importance and adoption of managerial innovations in the perception of managers of public universities
Handicraft activity, work organization, innovation and visibility in the handicraftAbstract
The objective of this article is to identify and analyze how managers of four Brazilian public universities perceive the degree of importance and adoption of a set of management practices considered innovative for public management. For this purpose, 435 employees occupying management positions in both academic and administrative areas participated in the study, responding to a questionnaire containing sixteen practices considered innovative according to the national award for innovation in public management promoted by the National Public Service School (ENAP). The practices were classified into three dimensions of management, that is, organizational management, process modernization and people management. Data collection was done online through the Surveymonkey application. The managers evaluated all the practices as being significantly important to define an innovative university in its management. However, they perceive that this same set of practices is very little used in the organizational context in which they operate, leading to the conclusion that the researched universities can not be considered innovative in their management. Both the comparative analyzes between the universities and the three dimensions of practices did not present results different from the more global one.Downloads
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