Behavioral aspects and the risk of sexually transmitted infections in young people: a scoping review
Behavior; Sexual Behavior; Adolescent; Young Adult; Sexually Transmitted Diseases.Abstract
Objective: to map behavioral aspects involved in the risk of sexually transmitted infections in young people. Methods: scoping review of the databases MEDLINE, lilacs, BDENF, SCOPUS, Web of Science, and gray literature, using the Rayyan software to select the material and, later, analyzing it through independent reviewers with active blinding. The final corpus was formed by 299 publications, which were submitted to quali-quantitative analysis. Results: we identified 43 behavioral aspects involved in the risk of young people acquiring sexually transmitted infections. Words that appeared more than 30 times determined the context and representativity of the corpus; the co-occurrence of significant words originated six colored word halos that represent the behavioral aspects inherent to sexually transmitted infections, both intrinsically and extrinsically. Conclusion: our findings mapped behavioral aspects that contribute synergistically to the vulnerability of youth to sexually transmitted infections. These aspects include inconsistent condom use, multiple sexual partners, legal/illegal drug use, early sexual initiation, and concomitant sexual partners. Contributions to practice: the identification of axes and scopes for interventions can give support and subsidize the elaboration of multifocal interventions. In addition to effective measures to prevent and promote health when it comes to sexually transmitted infections in the population investigated.
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