Vol. 6 No. 1 (2020): History and Gender

					View Vol. 6 No. 1 (2020): History and Gender

The publication of v. 6, n 1, 2020 (History and Gender Dossier) marks an important moment in the trajectory of Revista Em Perspectiva: its 5 years of existence. Created in 20115 by the students of the Graduate Program in History, at the Federal University of Ceará, Em Perspectiva has become an important channel for communication and dissemination of research at different stages of execution and interlocution with researchers and researchers from institutions.

In addition, this volume marks a new phase of our magazine: from 2020, our periodicity will be biannual, with publications in June and December of each year. And, last but not least, it should be noted that this publication is the result of the collective effort, of the work between the student and faculty of PPH-UFC and all the members of the National Council that make up our journal.

A good read and we thank you for the confidence in our work.

Published: 2020-06-29


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